Brief History
Patriot Bible University was founded in 1979 at a Baptist church in Dallas, Texas.
We moved to Colorado in 1984 and PBU has been a ministry of Hilltop Baptist Church for 40 years. Patriot merged with American Christian University (then under the direction of Dr. J. Mark Hollingsworth) in 1985. Dr. Lonnie Skinner, one of Patriot's founders, directs all External Studies programs from Del Norte, Colorado offices.
Patriot has served thousands of students across the United States and many other countries.
Distinctive Benefits of Patriot Education
Self-directed study permits flexibility in your schedule, allowing you to continue your education without interrupting your present responsibilities.
Your studies help you to be more effective in Christian Ministry. Lessons can be used immediately in sermons, Bible studies, counseling appointments, evangelism, or Christian teaching.
Patriot makes a Christian education affordable. Students do not become saddled with large student loans.
The Bible is the central textbook. Our curriculum constantly leads to extensive use of the Word.
An undergraduate two-credit course may be completed every 2-4 weeks, so rapid progress is possible as you follow step-by-step achievable objectives.

Quality Curriculum
Our curriculum has been designed from the ground up, especially for correspondence and self-directed studies.
Students love the courses!
Patriot textbooks are carefully selected from Biblically conservative, professional authors who have written on a focused subject. Course textbooks present and expound on the Bible’s absolute truth, not man’s modernistic reasoning.
Patriot’s unique curriculum is based on student reading and comprehension. Students do not sit through taped lectures, write pages of notes, and take multiple “guess” tests.
Rather, each Patriot course includes text reading material and a colorful workbook. The high-quality workbooks ask the student questions directly from the reading assignment and the Bible.
Read – Write – Reinforce
Highly Affordable
Patriot’s unique tuition plans are the best value in the country. Undergraduate tuition can be paid monthly starting at $45 per month – with no interest! Order course books as you are ready. Self-paced, self-directed learning.
Pre-pay OR pay monthly.
Student loans are not necessary! And there is no need to quit your job to attend.
Enroll for less than $150. Complete an –
Undergraduate degree for under $3500,
Master's degree for under $1800,
Doctorate of Ministry for under $2500.
How do we keep our prices so low? Patriot is a Christian non-profit ministry. Patriot staff is committed to keeping all expenses as low as possible to serve anyone who wants to study with us.

Avoid Student Debt
Our Learning Philosophy
It is the purpose of Patriot Bible University to contribute to the development of our students in the areas of Christian character, academic skills, subject mastery, Biblical understanding, and practical wisdom.
We believe that Christian character and practical wisdom are best achieved through a cooperative effort with the local church.
Academic skills and subject mastery are accomplished through clear explanation and responsive repetition, such as in our workbooks. There is no beneficial understanding apart from a Biblical understanding (Eph. 4:17-24). All of our curriculum is written from a conservative Biblical viewpoint.
We firmly believe that conclusions about life and reality must be based on the Word of God above all other experience and research.
We believe study methods should be individualized: [You] "…study to show thyself approved unto God…" (II Tim 2:15).
We believe the product of higher education should be a Christian servant, skilled in the Word of God and able to effectively utilize his education to the glory of God.

Our mission
Everything we do at Patriot Bible University is an expression of our mission statement: PBU exists to support the local church by providing Scriptural knowledge and practical training to dedicated Christians so that they may be equipped to serve God and minister to the spiritual needs of others.
Our Statement of Faith
Patriot Bible University stands for the fundamentals of the faith described as The verbal inspiration of the Bible, the deity of Christ, His virgin birth, His blood atonement, His bodily resurrection, salvation by grace through faith in Christ and the bodily return of our Lord Jesus Christ to set up His eternal kingdom.
Have Questions?
Call (719) 657-3330 ---- 9-4 Mountain Time, Monday-Thursday